Next Gen Program

2nd Tuesday @ 1pm - 2pm - Steering & Planning call. E-mail for more information and to be added to the call.
Come back and visit our event calendar for more 2023 event dates.
A Program Created for CTA Members
New professionals in trucking are the future of CTA and the industry. Any employee at a CTA member company can participate in the program. The NextGen Program provides opportunities for CTA members to grow professionally, build relationships with peers and develop leadership skills.
NextGen Leadership
To learn how you can get involved reach out to our NextGen Leadership.
South Chair: Pete Amundson Jr.,, Minuteman Transport
North Chair: Derek Crusenberry,, JSG Trucking
CTA Staff: Membership Team,
What Members Are Saying About the NextGen Program
"Politics determines a large part of what the future of trucking will look like. As NextGen members, we owe it to ourselves to become educated in this arena. Not only to help our own businesses flourish, but to learn how to have a voice in the process for the industry as a whole. If we want to survive (especially in California), we need to learn to speak up and become active. The NextGen Political Training is the tool kit to success, I would highly recommend it."
-Tara Amundson, Executive Admin of HR & AP, Minuteman Transport, Inc.

"The biggest insight the NextGen program has given me is knowing that the issues I face or the roadblocks that I encounter, are not only happening to me. It helps being able to talk to the others in the program when there is an obstacle to overcome. You are often presented with new ways to look at a situation because you have a team of like minded individuals around you that are experiencing similar struggles."
- Derek Crusenberry, Operations & Customer Relations, JSG Trucking Co.

"The CTA is beneficial because it allows people who come from the same industry to join together to help solve and combat the issues that each one of our companies face day in and day out. Other young professionals should join because the CTA it is a resource for growth and education. In addition, the CTA acts as the ‘political voice’ for the California Trucking Industry. Policy enacts change, and as a trucking industry the only way we do that is with the help and guidance of the CTA and its staff."
- John Yandell III, Operations, Yandell Truckaway, Inc.