Government Affairs
Your Voice in California!

Don’t let the burden of politics and government regulations grind you or your company to a halt. CTA’s government affairs team spends its time navigating the legislative and regulatory environments on your behalf so you don’t have to.
As the largest, statewide trade association representing the trucking industry in the United States, CTA works to advance and protect your interests in California and make sure your contributions don’t go unnoticed.
CTA’s goal is to ensure California is a prosperous place for our members to do business.
What We Do to Keep Our Industry Moving Forward:
- Educate policymakers and stakeholders about the trucking industry and its importance to California’s economy
- Monitor the legislative and regulatory domains for critical policies and issues
- Develop and advocate for policies that advance the trucking industry’s priorities in California
- Continually inform our members about the issues and trends that impact them
Join CTA in its efforts to help the trucking community in California.
CTA Delivers For Our Members
- Negotiated historic transportation package to raise $5.2 billion over a 10-year period to fund critically needed infrastructure projects.
- Secured “Useful Life” provision: No retrofitting or replacement of trucks until after 13 years or 800,000 miles, with cap of 18 years from the date the engine is certified by CARB/EPA for use applied to rules adopted/amended after 2017.
- Guarded against an increase in weight fees and vehicle license fees (VLF).
- Partnered with Caltrans to establish a winter road-closure process, providing suppliers and customers with important freeway closure information during certain times/dates, allowing member-only access to this information to refute delay charges.
- Reduced the VLF tax on power units and established permanent trailer plates, virtually eliminating annual trailer-license fees.
- Partnered with California Highway Patrol (CHP) to develop a revised and more efficient BIT program.
- Sponsored and secured passage of legislation to facilitate on-line, CTA-assisted commercial vehicle registration.
- Worked with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to establish an expedited Medical Certification process.
- Established a statewide forum to resolve additional legal permit issues.
- Secured an amendment that exempted the trucking industry out of AB 1897 - shared liability legislation.
- Secured an exemption from onerous cargo securement regulations.
- Preserved ability for motor carriers to operate through California local jurisdictions without having to pay a Business License tax (BLT), so cities and counties can’t tax you on the transportation portion of your business.