Unlock Your Organization’s Potential
The California Trucking Association Circle Club Program provides organizations with maximum value and convenience to reach CTA carrier members. Benefits include access to a wide variety of promotional opportunities to get in front of the CTA membership, your potential customers. We are giving you access to the tools and resources needed to help your organization significantly enhance its reach.
The Program
Circle Club offers a variety of package options designed to meet the needs of any Allied Partner:
- Flexible promotional opportunities—customized to meet your needs.
- Convenient set-up—pay once and utilize opportunities all year round!
- Excellent customer service—a dedicated concierge available to help you set up and manage your Circle Club membership.
Why Circle Club?
- Value, value, value. With savings on CTA advertising and promotional programs, it’s the most cost efficient and comprehensive solution to provide access to the CTA carrier membership.
- Target audience. CTA members spend nearly $11.3 billion annually on products and services. Our carrier members range from individual owner-operators, to small family-owned for-hire fleets, to the world’s largest international carriers.
- Increase your exposure and membership benefits. Participation in The Circle Club Program shows that you have a vested interest in the California trucking industry and are a significant partner with the California Trucking Association.
What’s Next?
- Carefully review and select the package that works best for your organization’s needs.
- Contact the Circle Club concierge at membership@caltrux.org or (916) 373-3500 to complete the registration.
- Designate a person at your organization to be the primary contact for your Circle Club Program.
- CTA will work with your staff contact throughout the year to ensure you are maximizing your Circle Club experience.
Advertising Opportunities
Online Advertising - Reach Your Target Audience by Advertising on CTA's Website
Advertise on the CTA website and target the leaders in California’s trucking industry. Advertising on the website is a great way to reach members and non-member visitors. Members log in to see the latest news on critical legislation, participate in grassroots advocacy efforts, learn about upcoming events, read Caltrux Magazine, and to maximize their membership value. Take advantage of this advertising opportunity to place your company in front of the key leaders that want to utilize your services and who appreciate your support of our association!
Caltrux Magazine - Advertise In Our Monthly Magazine
Caltrux is published monthly for members of the California Trucking Association. Each issue contains editorial content by and about association leaders and technical experts, state and national news including regulatory changes, legislation, safety, insurance, economic development and other information vital to executive and management personnel in the trucking industry.
CTA's Inside the Cab - Advertise On Our Podcast
Inside the Cab gathers the voices and views of California trucking and delivers them in a fun and informative listening experience. Hosted by Calfornia Trucking Association CEO Eric Sauer, each episode contains what you need to know about our industry's state and national regulatory and legislative news, safety, insurance, and economic development. We feature special guests from the trucking world and beyond, segments from CTA staff and members, and a variety of information with something for everyone.
CTA Print & Digital Membership Directory & Resource Guide
Gain direct access to all CTA members including CEOs, Owners, Presidents, Management and Decision Makers. Members of CTA search the membership directory to begin relationships and gain clients. Last year's digital edition averaged nearly 8,000 page views - that's 36 pages viewed per visit.
CTA Weekly eNewsletter - The 5th Wheel
The 5th Wheel is a newsletter sent to the CTA members on a weekly basis. It allows members to stay informed about timely industry topics and association news. Advertise in The 5th Wheel and gain direct access to all CTA members including CEOs, owners, presidents, management and decision makers.